24 chủ đề hay gặp trong IELTS Writing – IELTS Simon

Trong 4 kỹ năng IELTS, Writing được coi là một trong những kỹ năng “khó ăn” nhất với hầu hết người học. Bạn phải bỏ ra rất nhiều thời gian và công sức để luyện tập cách viết cũng như lên ideas cho bài essay của mình. Thấu hiểu khó khăn đó của học sinh, Pasal tổng hợp 24 chủ đề hay gặp do thầy Simon biên soạn trong bài viết dưới đây. Từ đó giúp đỡ các bạn học trong quá trình tìm tòi và chọn lọc ideas, từ vựng cho IELTS Writing Task 2.

24 chủ đề lớn xuất hiện nhiều trong IELTS Writing:

Trong IELTS Writing có vô vàn chủ đề cho bài essay, trong đó có 3 chủ đề phổ biến nhất là: Advertising, Money and Personality.

1.     Advertising:

Trong chủ đề này, bạn đọc được cung cấp nhiều khía cạnh của Advertising cùng ideas như:

–         Positives of advertising

o   Advertising is an important part of modern business.

o   Companies need to tell customers about their products.

o   Advertisements inform us about the opinions we have.

o   Advertising is a creative job that employs many people.

o   Without advertising we would not have many choices.

o   Without advertising, the percentage of unemployment would increase.

o   Advertising is a form of modern art.

o   People enjoy adverts.

–         Negatives of advertising

o   Advertising manipulates people.

o   It aims to persuade people that buying a product will make them happier.

o   Advertisers focus on selling a brand image.

o   They use glamorous, successful people.

o   We now live in a consumer culture.

o   We are persuaded to follow the latest trend.

o   We are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status.

o   Children are the aim of advertisers.

o   Advertisements may have a negative impact on children.

o   Children put pressure on parents to buy them things.

–          Opinion about advertising

o   Advertising should be regulated.

o   Advertising aimed at children should be controlled or even banned. Unhealthy foods should not be marketed in a way that attracts children.

o   Products that can be a risk to health should display warnings.

o   In some countries, cigarette advertisements are banned on television.

o   Warnings must be displayed on cigarette packets.

o   However, advertising is necessary for free market economies.

o  The demand for products would be created by advertisements.

o   Governments should only censor false information or products that are harmful.

2.     Money:

Money là một chủ đề quen thuộc và rất phổ biến trong IELTS. Tổng hợp ideas mới toanh liên quan đến Money như:

–         Money and Society:

o Society has become increasingly materialistic.

o People aspire to earn more money.

o They want to better their lives with a better house or a car.

o  We connect wealth and material possessions with happiness and success.

o People’s status is expressed in brands like “Armani” or “Mercedes”.

o New desires and needs are created by advertising.

o It persuades us to buy the latest styles.

–         Positives of consumerism:

o   Consumerism creates employment.

o  The rate of poverty would be reduced by consumerism.

o  It helps businesses to innovate and create.

o   We live in a global economy.

o   We have a better quality of life.

–         Negative of consumerism:

o   Consumerist societies create more waste.

o The natural resources may be exhausted by the use of consumers

o   It’s harmful to the environment.

o   Consumerism creates a “throw-away” culture.

o   Advertisers tell us who we are and what we want.

o   Wealth does not lead to happiness.

o   Materialism causes greed and crime.

o   We should return to traditional values like sharing.

3.     Personality:

Hay với Personality, người ôn thi IELTS có thể tìm hiểu những ideas sáng tạo, mới mẻ như sau:

–         Happiness:

o To each person, the definition of happiness is different.

o   It can be described as a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment.

o   People enjoy spending time with family and friends.

o Source of fun and enjoyment can come from hobbies, sports and games.

o   Some people see money as a source of happiness.

o   Other people define happiness as something deeper.

o  A good life is necessary to be happy.

o  We need to feel that we are doing something useful with our lives.

o   Some people get a sense of achievement from their work.

o   Others find happiness in bringing up their children.

o Religion or a sense of purpose can also be a source of happiness.

–         Success:

Success is defined in many ways.

o Raising a family can be an achievement for some people.

o Others define success as wealth or status.

o  A lot of people think that rich and famous people are successful in life.

o   Millionaires like Bill Gates are considered to be successful due to his achievements in working.

o   They have risen to the top in their chosen professions.

o To some extent, being successful means achieving personal or professional goals.

o   Hard work is considered the reason for success.

o  Long-term planning and effort are the key parts of success in any field.

–         Nature or nurture:

o   Some people believe that our personalities are determined mainly by genetics.

o   We inherit our abilities and talents from our parents.

o   Others think that our education and upbringing are more important.

o   We develop according to the influences around us.

o   Our personalities and achievements depend more on nurture than nature.

o   Many people argue that we control our own destinies.

o   We can shape our own personalities.

o   By working hard, we can achieve a goal that we put our minds to.

o   Many successful people are “self-made”.

o We are not limited by our genetic characteristics or upbringing.

Và vô vàn những ideas về chủ đề khác:

4.  Sport and leisure: professional sport, competitive sport, sports salaries, sports and politics.

5.  Language: English as an international language.

6. Television, Internet, Phones: advantages and disadvantages of television, positives and negatives of the Internet, Internet and books, benefits and drawbacks of mobile phones.

7.  Tourism: positives and negative effects of tourism, the future of tourism.

8. Traditional and Modern: losing traditional skills, examples, traditional customs.

9. Transport: traffic problems, traffic solutions, public transport, road safety.

10. Water: clean water, water supply, water and politics, water should be free or not, bottled water.

11. Work: same job for life, self-employment, unemployment, work and life balance, technology and work, child labor.

12. Genetic engineering: advantages and disadvantages of genetically-modified foods.

13. Global issues: developing countries, immigration, multicultural societies, globalization.

14. Government and Society: policies of the government, public services, censorship, video cameras in public places, smart cards, people with disabilities.

15. Guns and Weapons: illegal or legal the use of guns, police and guns, arms trade, nuclear weapons, armed forces.

16. Health: health diet, exercise, government’s role, state health system, private health, alternative medicine, stress.

17. Animal rights: animal testing, vegetarianism, positives and negatives of zoos.

18.  Cities: reasons for urbanization, negatives of city life, pedestrian areas.

19. Crime: police and crime prevention, punishments/prisons, rehabilitation, capital punishment, community service, crime in the media.

20.  Education: benefits of education, studying abroad, technology in education, problems and solutions of education in developing countries, higher education, home-schooling, bad behavior in schools, corporal punishment, single-sex education, streaming.

21. Environment: global warming, impacts of humans on the environment, environmental problems, waste, litter, recycling and other solutions, nuclear power.

22.  Family: family size, working parents, divorce, care for old people.

23.  Gender: gender and education, gender and work, roles in the family.

24. Housing and architecture: state/council housing, old buildings, modern/green buildings.

Trên đây là 24 chủ đề phổ biến trong các bài thi IELTS Writing. Ngoài  ra, những chủ đề cùng ideas này cũng rất có ích cho IELTS Speaking Task 3. Bạn đọc có thể tham khảo để sử dụng cho phần thi Speaking của mình.

Ideas để tham khảo, bạn đọc có thể áp dụng cho bài essay của mình. Nhưng tuyệt vời hơn là tìm tòi tham khảo rồi “hô biến” chúng thành của riêng mình. Writing cần thời gian để trau dồi và nâng cao. Chỉ 1 – 2 tiếng một ngày, dần dần bạn sẽ thấy khả năng Writing tăng lên đáng kể đấy. Vì vậy đừng quên luyện tập và bồi đắp từ vựng, ideas mỗi ngày nhé!

Học Tiếng Anh không dễ, đặc biệt với IELTS – ngọn núi cao đang đợi bạn chinh phục. Nhưng Pasal luôn ở đây và mang đến sự trợ giúp cho bạn học. Cùng theo dõi Pasal và đừng quên ghé thăm website https://pasal.edu.vn/ để khám phá những ưu đãi độc quyền của Pasal.

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