Trong Tiếng Anh, người ta thường thêm các câu thành ngữ để quá trình diễn đạt thêm sinh động hơn. Và thành ngữ cũng chính là chiếc chìa khóa để bạn trở nên lưu loát hơn trong giao tiếp. Không những thế, thành ngữ còn đóng vai trò quan trọng giúp bạn tăng band điểm thi IELTS. Vì vậy, trong bài viết này Pasal muốn chia sẻ với bạn 50 Idioms cực hay trong IELTS, việc sử dụng thành thạo 50 Idioms này sẽ giúp phần thi IELTS Speaking của bạn trở nên tự nhiên hơn rất nhiều.


Thành ngữ (Idioms) trong tiếng anh được cấu tạo bởi các từ, cụm từ. Thành ngữ thường là các khái niệm quen thuộc thường gặp trong cuộc sống. Tuy nhiên, thành ngữ Tiếng Anh có những tính chất riêng khi mà bạn không thể hiểu một cách đơn giản thông qua các từ cấu tạo lên chúng.


  • Thành ngữ giúp văn nói của bạn trở nên sinh động hơn.

  • Thành ngữ được người bản xứ sử dụng nhiều trong văn diễn đạt, sách báo, bản tin truyền hình, phim ảnh. Vì vậy nếu bạn sử dụng thành thạo Idioms, bạn sẽ tự tin hơn khi giao tiếp. Và đặc biệt trong bài IELTS Speaking, Idioms sẽ giúp nâng cao band điểm của bạn rất nhiều.

  • Việc sử dụng thành ngữ thành thạo trong phần thi Speaking sẽ khiến giám khảo đánh giá cao về độ linh hoạt khi sử dụng Tiếng Anh của bạn.


  1. Raining cats and dogs: rain heavily 

Ex: It’s raining cats and dogs. = It’s raining heavily.

  1. Chalk and cheese: be different from each other 

Ex: I like rock music, while my sister likes ballad music. We’re like chalk and cheese.

  1. A hot potato: an issue that is difficult and challenging to tackle

Ex: The environmental issue is a hot potato in the world.

  1. Here and there: everywhere

Ex: I tried to find old pictures here and there and finally I found them.

  1. At the drop of a hat: immediately

Ex: If you need me, call me. I will come at the drop of a hat.

  1. Back to the drawing board: time to start from the beginning

Ex: I failed to make a tiny car made of wood, so i guess it’s back to the drawing board for me,

  1. Beat about the bush: not speaking directly about the issue

Ex: He always beats about the bush when being asked.

  1. Burn the midnight oil: to stay up late, for studying at night

Ex: I often burn the midnight oil when I have an exam at school.

  1. Break a leg: good luck!

Ex: You will have a Math exam tomorrow, right? Break a leg!

  1. When pigs fly: something will never happen

  2. Hit the nail on the head: do or say something exactly right

Ex: My dad hit the nail on the head when he advised me to take an IELTS exam.

  1. Take someone/something for granted: coi nhẹ

Ex: My friend took my help for granted so we didn’t talk with each other anymore.

  1. Take something into account/ consideration: to remember to consider something

Ex: We will take your long year of service into account when we make our final decision.

  1. Splitting headache: a severe headache

Ex: I have to take a rest because I’ve got a splitting headache.

  1. On the house: no need to pay money

Ex: I have a voucher from a luxury restaurant so my dinner is on the house.

  1. Hit the roof = Go through the roof = Hit the ceiling: to become angry

Ex: He hit the roof when he knew that his wife had gone out with another guy.

  1. Bring down the house:  everyone makes it clap

Ex: His performance brings down the house.

  1. Pay through the nose: to pay too much for something

Ex: I have dinner at a luxury restaurant, so I have to pay through the nose for it.

  1. Pull someone’s leg: make jokes

Ex: You don’t mean that. You’re just pulling my leg.

  1. High and low: everywhere

Ex: I have been searching high and low for the gift I bought for my grandmother.

  1. The more, the merrier: the more people, the happier

Ex: Can I bring some friends with me? – Yes, sure, the more, the merrier.

  1. Every now and then: sometimes

Ex: I go for a picnic with my best friends every now and then.

  1. Part and Parcel: Crucial

Ex: Idioms are part and parcel for making the IELTS Speaking point better.

  1. Once in a blue moon: rare

Ex: Once in a blue moon, I stop thinking about her.

  1. On the spot: immediately

Ex: I expect you to be on the spot when and where trouble arises.

  1. At the eleventh hour: the latest possible moment

Ex: She always submits her essay at the eleventh hour.

  1. Sell/Go like hot cakes: be sold quickly in large quantities

Ex: The book has only just been published and copies are selling like hot cakes in both Vietnam and Singapore.

  1. Make believe: the action of pretending or imagining that things are better than they really are

Ex: I tried to make believe she was happy, but knew deep down it was not true.

  1. Be out of question: not impossible

Ex: You cannot take a driver license until you are 18, it’s out of question.

  1. Blow one’s trumpet: talk boastfully about one’s achievements

Ex: He always blows his trumpet about his achievement.

  1. Off and on/ On and off: sometimes, not frequently

Ex: I only watch movies at the cinema off and on.

  1. Down the drain: totally be wasted (effort, money)

Ex: It’s just money down the drain.

  1. Smell a rat: to recognize that something is not as it appears to be or that something dishonest is happening.

Ex: When he advised me to buy a house, I smelled a rat.

  1. The last straw: the last in a series of bad things that happen to make someone very upset, angry, etc

Ex: When she showed up late a third time, that was the last straw. We had to fire her.

  1. Keep an eye on: keep under careful observation

Ex: Please keep an eye on my children while I’m out for a while.

  1. In vain: without a success or a result

Ex: Government agents tried in vain to kidnap him.

  1. On second thoughts: after thinking something again

Ex: On second thoughts, it was a terrible choice.

  1. The apple of one’s eyes: a person or thing that someone loves very much

Ex: You are the apple of my eyes.

  1. Bucket down: to rain very heavily

Ex: It’s been bucketing down all day.

  1. Close shave = Narrow escape: a situation in which you only just avoid danger, difficulties

Ex: I’ve nearly had an accident, that was a close shave. I was so happy.

  1. One’s cup of tea: the sort of things one likes or prefers

 Ex: Dam Vinh Hung is my cup of tea. He is so talented.

  1. Golden handshake: a usually large payment made to people when they leave their job

Ex: The manager got early retirement and a $400000 golden handshake.

  1. Come to light: become widely known and evident

Ex: Four singers have had to be put into prisons since the scandal came to light last fall.

  1. See eye to eye: agree with someone/something

Ex: I’m glad that they see eye to eye on the matter of the conference location.

  1. Have in mind: consider

I don’t want to see a movie now, I have in mind going to the park.

  1. To be bound to: make sure

Ex: She is bound to be late for the interview if you don’t hurry.

  1. Let the cat out of the bag: to reveal a secret or a surprise by accident

Ex: I don’t want her to know this secret. Try not to let the cat out of the bag.

  1. On probation: under the supervision of a probation 

Ex: Harry was on probation for a year.

  1. Make ends meet: finds way to earn for living

Ex: I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet.

  1. Off the record: not official, not published 

Ex: What the president said is not to be printed. It’s off the record.


4.1. Gắn liền với câu chuyện 

Khi xem TV hay các chương trình Tiếng Anh, hãy tập trung lắng nghe và nhớ các Idioms theo ngữ cảnh cụ thể. Việc học Idioms gắn liền theo câu chuyện sẽ giúp:

  • Giúp người học hình dung rõ bối cảnh được sử dụng

  • Xác định được đối tượng có thể dùng thành ngữ này: mối quan hệ với người đối diện, cũng như cảm xúc của họ khi dùng thành ngữ

  • Việc hiểu bối cảnh cũng như thời điểm phù hợp sẽ giúp bạn sử dụng thành ngữ lưu loát và chính xác.

4.2. Luyện tập và ôn tập 

Hãy dành thời gian để luyện tập và sử dụng thành ngữ một cách tự nhiên nhất có thể. Học Idioms cần sự kiên nhẫn để trở thành một phần đời sống cũng như văn hóa của chúng ta hằng ngày. Hãy luôn ghi nhớ Practice makes perfect!

Trên đây là 50 Idioms mà Pasal đã tổng hợp lại giúp các bạn để việc học Idioms trở nên dễ dàng và hiệu quả hơn. Và đừng quên ghé thăm website để khám phá thêm nhiều kiến thức mới về Tiếng Anh nhé!

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